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Healthy & Simple Cobb Salad

Gluten Free. Vegetarian. Dairy Free Option

Simple ingredients and easy to prepare! I like to double up this recipe and make enough salads to last me all week for lunch. A timeless, tasty and healthy lunch or dinner option!

Makes 2 large salads

Salad Ingredients 

  • 1 small sweet potato, cut into chunks

  • ½ Tbsp olive oil

  • 1 -2 tsp paprika

  • Salt & pepper to taste

  • 6-8 cups spinach or mixed greens

  • ¼ cup raw pumpkin or sunflower seeds

  • 4 eggs, hard-boiled & sliced

  • 1 cup cucumber, diced

  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half

  • 2-4 tbsp Crumbled Feta (optional)

  • 1 small avocado

  • 1-2 Tbsp Fresh dill

Dressing (per Salad)

  • Drizzle of tahini

  • ½ tsp olive or avocado oil

  • drizzle of balsamic reduction


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  In a large bowl toss the sweet potatoes with olive oil, salt, pepper and paprika. Roast in the oven for 40mins, removing halfway to flip. 

  2. Meanwhile boil the eggs in a pot of water for 10mins. Run under cool water to help remove the shell.

  3. Assemble salads with remaining ingredients!


  • Feel free to sub the veggies and use what you have in the fridge. 

  • If you feel you need more protein you could add ½ cup cooked quinoa to each salad.