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Post Holiday Reset

Next Program Date- Coming soon! January 2021 *Stay Tuned for dates!

Detoxify your body, purify your mind and re-evaluate lifestyle choices & habits.

The Holiday Season is always a blast filled with Christmas parties, social gatherings, and family suppers! But with all the festivities often comes excess inflammation…be it from the alcoholic drinks, excess sugary treats, late nights, traveling, or even just eating in a way that doesn’t truly nourish out body. No need to feel guilty as holiday meals and traditional foods are part of what makes the season special. can leave us feeling heavy, sluggish, achy and in need of a reboot! Sound familiar?

Start the year off with a clean slate and hit the RESET button!


Spring Cleanse

Next Program Date- Spring 2020. *Stay Tuned for dates!

Time for a little spring cleaning!

Feeling sluggish & tired? Ready to shed the winter “blahs” and put that “spring” back in your step? I feel you! I do a spring cleanse every year and it always helps me feel revitalized, light, happy & full of energy!

Perfect to coincide with the change of seasons, I’ve created a 2-week cleanse that’s full of seasonal foods, delicious recipes & easy to follow! You’ll receive a 2-week meal plan, recipes, grocery lists, helpful tips, unlimited email support and private facebook group! After a long, cold, heavy winter, it’s time to feel refreshed! Who’s with me!?

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Fall Renewal

Next Program Date- Fall 2020. *Stay Tuned for dates!

Life is too short to feel blah!!!!
But sometimes our poor bodies get overburdened. Especially after a summer that may have involved lots of travelling, excess processed foods or a few too many patio drinks.

So, I'm inviting you to join me in a rejuvenating Fall Cleanse! I usually do one after every summer and it always makes me feel renewed, light, happy & full of energy! Who doesn't want to feel that everyday!? The program is simple and easy to follow. It's entirely food based and comes with a full meal plan, grocery list, recipes that actually taste great and extra tid-bits to get you back feeling awesome, vibrant and healthy!


Healthier YOU- Nutrition Challenge

Next Program Date- TBD. *Stay Tuned for dates!

Essentially this is an elimination program. Over the course of 6 weeks you will discover your body’s unique sensitivity to things like dairy, carbs, gluten products, etc. by slowly adding foods back into your diet and monitoring how your body reacts. At the end of the program you will have gained insight into what foods and what quantities are best suited to help YOU THRIVE!

I don’t believe in “dieting” and this program does not try and mold people into eating one specific way. It simply gives you tools and knowledge to make healthier choices and determine what you need as an individual to feel your best. It’s not a “quick fix” solution but rather a lifestyle change. By participating in this challenge you will learn to eat healthier, become aware of how your body reacts to certain foods, reduce digestive problems, aches & pains, and feel more energized!