Next Program Date - Coming soon. Stay tuned for dates!

6-Weeks to a Healthier YOU

Discover Your Body's Unique Relationship with Food

Each year, many of us set goals to live healthier, eat better and exercise more often. We all have good intentions but it’s difficult to know where to begin and even more so, how to maintain! What are some steps to achieve these goals and how can we stick to them? With the vast amount of information out there, it can be hard to know what to do. Let me be your guide!!! This program has helped countless individuals take control over their health and implement positive changes for sustainable wellness and lasting vitality. I invite you to get off the diet roller-coaster and take part in my “Healthier You- Nutrition Challenge”. Now is your time. It's time to thrive, to feel your best and create the lifestyle change you’ve been searching for!!

As an individual, Fitness & Health Coach & Holistic Nutritionist, I spend countless hours researching the best ways to stay healthy, eat properly and feel optimal. Physical fitness, as we all know, is only one small part in our overall health & well-being. What we eat plays such a huge role in our overall success. There are people who spend hours at the gym everyday yet continue to struggle with their weight, proper sleep, energy levels, bodily functions, etc. Sound familiar?

Can you relate to any of the following?

  • Are you tired of being on the diet roller-coaster and looking for a sustainable & realistic way to eat & live healthy?

  • Are you struggling to lose weight despite regular physical activity?

  • Do genuinely feel like crap and in need of a way to feel good in your body once again?

  • Do you suffer from digestive problems such as bloating, gas, IBS, constipation, acid reflux?

  • Do you often feel heavy, dull & sluggish?

  • Do you consistently feel tired or suffer from fatigue?

  • Do you regularly struggle with skin problems such as rashes, irritations, eczema, acne?

  • Do you experience joint &/or muscle pain, headaches or migraines?

  • Do you have a weakened immune system and often struggle with cold/flu like symptoms, allergies etc.?

  • Do you suspect a food allergy/sensitivity but not sure which protocol to take?


Better energy, Less bloating. Improved weight loss.

Back in 2012 I went on a mission to help my clients, friends, family, community and myself, eat better and feel their best! I ran my first “Healthier You- Nutrition Challenge”. It was such a huge success that I've continued to run it every year since!

Over the years, the results continue to amaze me!!! Almost everyone experiences weight loss with many people losing over 15-20+ lbs and all participants report feeling much better including things like:

  • Reduced stress & anxiety

  • Improved mental clarity

  • Positive outlook on life and renewed sense of purpose

  • Many people comment how much they love the challenge, that they learn so much about their bodies, and how to eat properly and are looking forward to making this into a lifestyle change!

  • Reduced or no bloating

  • Reduced or no digestive problems (IBS, acid reflux, gas etc)

  • More energy

  • Better sleep

  • No more “afternoon slumps”

  • Less joint paint & inflammation

“Healthier You-Nutrition Challenge” Summary

Over a 6-week period, you will discover your body’s unique sensitivity to things like dairy, carbs, gluten products, etc. by slowly adding different types of foods back into your diet and monitoring how your body reacts. At the end of the program you will have gained new insight into what foods and what quantities are best suited to help YOU thrive! I don’t believe in “dieting” and this program does not try and mold people into eating one specific way. It simply gives you tools and knowledge to make healthier choices and determine what you need as an individual to feel your best. It’s not a “quick fix” solution but rather a lifestyle change. As a Health & Lifestyle Coach, I created the Nutrition Challenge as way to help improve the health of myself and others. I cannot promise results as this depends on each individual, not too mention the amount of commitment and effort you put it. But, my hope is that by participating in this challenge you will learn to eat healthier, become aware of how your body reacts to certain foods, and ultimately lose weight, reduce digestive problems, aches & pains, and feel more energized. You deserve this. It's time to end your battle with food, ignite a passion for health & live vibrantly!!!


Why this Program?

There are sooooo many nutrition programs out there and it is confusing & often overwhelming trying to figure out which one would be best! I wanted to create a program that was flexible, realistic and effective at improving health goals & concerns. After many hours of research and testing I think you’ll appreciate what the 6-week Nutrition Challenge will offer:

  • The program works! Hundreds of people have completed this program and raved about their success & improved well-being.

  • You will have support, motivation & accountability from yours truly- so you never have to feel lost, alone, or confused. You will receive one-on-one feedback each & every week plus a 30-min coaching call!

  • It's well-organized, easy to follow and allows participants lots of freedom & flexibility with food choices!

  • I include tons of tips, guidelines & information to help people succeed.

  • The heart of the program is based on unprocessed, nutrient-rich, whole foods you can find at the local grocery store!

  • Realistic & flexible- choose your own recipes and meal plan based on your own schedule, family needs, unique tastes & preferences.

  • Budget friendly- The program cost itself is affordable and you will not be expected to purchase extra fancy shake mixes, supplements etc.

  • There is a fabulous private online community to share recipes & experiences, motivate and encourage each other!

  • I am a Certified Nutritional Practitioner through the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. I have the education, credentials and over 10 years of experience in the health & fitness industry.

  • Did I mention the Health Benefits?! - Previous participants report results such as increased levels of energy & less fatigue, stronger immune system and less days spent feeling sick, increased cognitive function and less brain fog, a restored sense of vibrancy & health to both mind & body, decreased digestive issues, weight loss, reduced allergic responses, improved skin tone, regulated appetite & cravings, less joint-pain & body aches....and many more!!

“Week-to-Week Overview"

  • Week 1- Detox process. Elimination of all starchy carbs, grains, dairy, foods with added sugar & artificial sweeteners, junk food, processed food, alcohol, caffeine

  • Week 2 - Addition of starchy vegetables

  • Week 3 - Addition of legumes (& limited caffeine)

  • Week 4 - Addition of gluten free grains

  • Week 5 - Addition of dairy & limited “healthy treats”

  • Week 6 - Addition of gluten containing products


Fitness & Lifestyle support:

  • Weekly exercise workout with video Instruction ***NEW***

  • Tips & motivation for creating healthy lifestyle habits, spiritual growth & happiness

  • Benefits of Exercise, Importance of Sleep & Hydration

    Accountability & Individual support:

  • 1-30min Coaching Call (or can be split into two 15min mini sessions) *** NEW***

  • Weekly reports & personal feedback to help you stay on track & answer any questions or concerns

  • Unlimited email support

    Private Facebook Community:

  • This is a fantastic way to create connection & provide a space fore even more helpful information including:

  • LIVE Q&A session weekly!! ***NEW***

  • Videos, Tips & feedback from yours truly :)

  • A place to communicate with fellow participants & share your thoughts, experiences, successes, struggles, fears, support & motivation

  • A place to share recipe ideas, food pics, grocery shopping tips etc.

What your Program Includes:

Weekly Nutritional Guidelines:

  • What foods to eat

  • What foods to limit

  • What to foods to avoid

  • Suggested daily/weekly servings

  • Suggested portion sizes

  • Quick reference cheat sheets (great for grocery store!)

  • Servings checklist

Weekly Recipes:

  • New Recipes every week in accordance to the guidelines

  • over 300 delicious & healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, & drinks

Extra Nutrition Guidance & Helpful Handouts:

  • Understanding food sensitivities

  • Digestion 101

  • Foods that cause inflammation & ways to reduce it

  • Understanding food labels

  • Information on food health benefits

  • The scoop on protein powders, digestive enzymes, probiotics & superfoods!

  • Information on artificial sweeteners, alcohol, coffee

  • Tips for eating on the road & in restaurants

  • Suggested Grocery items

  • Plus many more!!