Camping Meals and Recipe Ideas



Camping is one of my favourite summer activities, and don't you just find that food cooked and enjoyed outside just tastes so much better? I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we're relaxed, we're not eating "on the go", not eating while trying to work or rushing to the next meeting.

I'll be completely honest when I say I love a good hot dog or hamburger with a soft white bun and all the fixings! I had my fair share of them these past few weeks while on holidays! I also LOVE a good campfire smore (I make mine with a marshmellow pressed between two Celebration Cookies- Graham like cookies with chocolate on one side. So freaking delicious!). So go ahead and enjoy these traditional camping foods. But if you're camping frequently like me, it's good to think outside the box a little bit to offer some healthier options and to keep things interesting and tasty!

I also understand how much work it is to go camping and that most people are looking to simplify the meals as much as possible. Honestly you can get super creative but check out this list to get you started! Hopefully it will provide some ideas for your next camping trip!



  • Warm Oatmeal & Fruit- Quick oats, hot water and fresh fruit such as sliced apples, peaches, blueberries etc. (I also like to bring a baggie of Vega Vanilla Protein powder mixed with chia seeds & Spirulina for added nutrition). 

  • Plain Greek or Coconut Yogurt, Nuts and Fruit

  • Eggs or Carton of Eggs/Egg Whites- I usually pack my eggs in a reusable hard egg container. Fried eggs over Avocado Toast or scrambled with whatever veggies you might have!

    • Toss a whole red pepper into your cooler and chop it up before adding to your eggs. 

    • Sometimes we'll bring a package of Turkey Bacon too!

  • French Toast- All you need is some good quality bread (I like the "Silver Hills" Sprouted Brand), eggs and some maple syrup! 

  • Pancakes! Pancakes while camping...ummm yes please! Bob's Red Mill has some great Pancakes mixes- "just add water", gluten free, paleo...etc. 

    • add a sliced banana and fresh blueberries to your pancakes for extra flavour!

    • Top with maple syrup and a few spoonfuls of greek yogurt for added protein

  • Extra Tips-

    • Bring whole ripe avocados and a jar of salsa- perfect to add to eggs, burgers, sandwiches, etc.

    • Pack a few spices to add extra flavour

    • Whole Wheat English Muffins pack nicer than bread- they don't get squished as easily.

    • Don't forget the coffee!!!!! 



  • Veggie Sausage Stirfry- Dice up 1-2 peppers, 1 onion and a handful of mushrooms, add in some veggie sausage, serve over rice and a few spoonfuls of salsa. 

    • add some spices if you have on hand. We used cajun in the picture above. 

    • "The Very Good Butchers" a local BC company, make awesome plant based sausages, burgers and other products. We used their Sausages for this recipe. They are packed with nutrition, have great flavour, keep well in the cooler and can be used as breakfast sausages, or "hot dog" style. 

    • If you don't want to be bothered cooking rice while camping, just  pre cook some rice before your trip and keep it in the cooler until ready. Also great to add to Breakfast Burritos!

  • Camp Nachos- Meat Free, Gluten Free, Dairy Free! I made this on my last trip and they were unreal!!! Saute a red pepper, onion and ground veggie meat in a pan. Add spices if you have any on hand. Mix in the cheese- I used " Shredded Daiya Pepper Jack"  and serve over a plate of gluten free tortilla chips. Top with sliced olives and salsa. 

    • If you prefer, you could bring some pre cooked ground turkey or ground lean beef instead but I like the veggie ground by "Yves". It's pre cooked, so literally you just heat it up in the pan with your veggies. 

  • Chicken Skewers or Falafal- You can just buy these pre-made or make your own. I'll bring enough for dinner one night and then eat them the next day with a salad, wrap or Pita. (Whole wheat tortillas or Pita shells pack much nicer than bread!)

    • The individually vacuum sealed chicken skewers keep really well in the cooler and don't cause a mess. I've bought them at Costco & Safeway. 

  • Wild Atlantic Salmon Burgers, Turkey Burgers or Veggie Burgers. I usually serve these over thin whole wheat bread buns, gluten free bread or by themselves. Skip the ketchup & mayo & use salsa, dijon mustard & avocado! Throw a handful of spinach or arugula into a container & voila- gourmet burger baby!

  • Vij's Frozen Foods- Convenient freezer meals, inspired by the dishes created in the Vij’s kitchen located here in Vancouver. The flavours are amazing! My favourite is the Curry Chicken. Heat it up in a sauce or frying pan, add some broccoli or green beans and top over rice. I usually bring some pre-cooked brown basmati rice.

  • Homemade Greek Salad- I usually whip up a large homemade Greek salad with romaine, cherry tomatoes, olives, cucumbers & optional Feta Cheese. It keeps much better than spinach. You can eat as is or make into a pita or wrap!

    • I usually whip up a homemade dressing that also serves as a great dip!

    • The Primal Kitchen Salad Dressings are also great!

  • Sides: Green Beans or Broccoli are my favourite as they pack easy & keep well! Steam them with a little bit of water and serve plain or with a splash of the Primal Kitchen Dressing.

    • I also love some good Corn on the cob since it's in season! Easy to boil & no butter or salt required!

    • Sometimes I'll boil sweet potatoes ahead of time, mash them & bring them as a side. Or you can boil them at your campsite, whatever works best!

    • Bagged Kale Salad Kit- Quick, easy and stays fresh in the cooler. 

  • Soups"Amy's Organic Soups" are my "go to" store bought soup. Good ingredients and they come with a peel off lid so no need to remember a can opener! Perfect for those colder evenings.

  • Hot Dogs or Smokies- Lets face it....There's something nice about roasting some dogs on the fire. I don't eat these often but on the occasion I'll look for all natural Chicken or Turkey Dogs/Sausages. Check your local farmers market! I've found some great options there. 

  • Extra Tips-

    • Create a camp kit with items like: salt and pepper, olive oil, spices, a pot and pan, plates and cutlery. 

