Release, Rebalance, Restore

June 25th-28th

Springbrooke Retreat Centre, Langley BC

Do you feel like you’re always putting others first?
Do you feel run-down and tired?
Do you feel disconnected from your body?
Are you missing that spark of passion and excitement for life?

In today’s fast paced culture, it’s easy to feel disconnected from that which brings you joy, makes you feel alive, and fills your heart with a sense of peace and fulfillment. It’s not uncommon to live in a constant state of “go-go-go” and to often put work, social & family obligations, and the needs of others before your own. This neglect of the self can have damaging effects on your health and leave you feeling worn out, stressed, and craving something more.

We’re here to tell you that it’s not only OK, but necessary to give yourself permission to put your needs first so that you can be your best self. Sometimes you need to step away from the stressful demands of daily life to rest, pamper, and rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul.

When you give yourself the things that you need to feel healthy, happy, and whole you’ll have more energy and be able to give more of your love, attention, and energy to the activities, people, and projects that mean the most to you.

The question is- how do we figure out what, exactly, it is we need?

This summer at Re-Treat Yourself: A Nourishing Weekend to Release, Rebalance, and Restore from June 25th-28th, 2015 you’ll get all the tools you need to start living your most joyful, passionate, and fulfilled life ever!

Nestled amongst beautiful cedar trees along the banks of the Salmon River in Langley, BC, this retreat is the perfect escape to nourish your mind, body and soul.

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You’ll be surrounded by tranquility and nature, while you immerse yourself in daily yoga practices, meditation sessions, wellness & healthy eating workshops, and of course plenty of time to relax in the outdoor pool, hot tub, and sauna!

Regan Courtney  and Caitlin Iles will guide you through the weekend and help reconnect you with your passions, uncover negative thought patterns and fears that might be blocking your happiness, and provide you with tons of great tools, tips and strategies to make your life easier when times get hectic.

Give the gift of total wellness by treating yourself to a weekend of soul-nourishing me time!



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Thursday: “Welcome” 

2:00-5:00pm—Check in and free time to enjoy the pool, forest, tennis court, or relax after your commute.

6:30pm—Nourishing Welcome Dinner

7:30-8:30—Opening welcome circle: Share who you are and what brought you here.

Friday: “Rest, Rejuvenate, and Pamper Yourself!” 

7:00-8:15 am—Gentle Morning Yoga Practice

8:30-9:15 am —Nutritionist Designed and Approved Breakfast

9:45-11:15am—Lifestyle Workshop: “Make Yourself a Priority”

  • This workshop is designed to help you rediscover your passions and the things in life that make you joyful and fulfilled. At the end of this workshop you will have the tools necessary to help you reconnect to your inner Truth so that you can cultivate happiness and excitement in your life.

11:25-12:00pm—Outdoor Meditation Walk

12:00-1:00pm—Nutritionist Designed and Approved Lunch

1:00-3:00pm—Free time

  • Relax by the pool

  • Enjoy the hot tub or sauna

  • Play some tennis

  • Explore the grounds

  • Journal

  • Socialize

  • Book a one-on-one consultation with Regan or Caitlin (additional charges apply)

3:00-6:00pm—Nutrition Workshop “Simplify Your Life: Easy Meals on the Go!”

  • Recipes, handouts, demos, and samples of delicious and super simple meals you can prepare in under 30 minutes to make your life easier and your body healthier!

6:00-7:00pm—Nutritionist Designed and Approved Dinner

7:00-8:00pm—Sinfully Delicious Chocolate Making Workshop

  • Pamper yourself with a lesson on how to make decadent (and nutritious!) chocolate while sipping some organic wine from local vineyards!

8:00-9:30pm—Optional Evening Activities

  • Movie night in the cozy common room

  • Sauna and hot tub

  • Reading and relaxing

9:30-10:00pm—Yoga Nidra

  • This style of yoga is done completely motionless and is designed to get you into a deep state of relaxation to help prepare you for a blissful and rejuvenating night’s sleep!

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  Saturday: “Out with the Old, In with the New!” 

7:00-8:15am—Morning yoga practice

  • This fiery practice is designed to help you burn up and release the old habits, beliefs, and negative self-talk that are keeping us from achieving our goals and living the lives of our dreams!

8:30-9:15am—Nutritionist Designed and Approved Breakfast

9:45-11:15am—Lifestyle Workshop: “Release Yourself”

  • This workshop is designed to dive into the things in your life that are no longer serving your growth and development. We’ll dive into the issues of negative self-talk and how it physically affects the body and can keep us sad and sick. Once we’ve figured out the roots of our limitations we’ll work on ways to manifest change in our lives and reduce destructive habits.

11:25-12:00pm—Easy Breathing and Meditation Techniques to De-Stress

  • In this session we’ll look at the stress response in the body and how we can control it through our breath and with our minds.

  • Each participant will receive a handout with meditation techniques and breathing exercises they can take home and implement into their lives.

12:00-1:00pm—Nutritionist Designed and Approved Lunch

1:00-3:00pm—Free Time

  • Relax by the pool

  • Enjoy the hot tub or sauna

  • Play some tennis

  • Explore the grounds

  • Journal

  • Socialize

  • Book a one-on-one consultation with Regan or Caitlin (additional charges apply)

3:00-6:00pm—Nutrition Workshop: “Deceptively Delicious Healthy Snack Substitutions”

  • In this workshop we’ll talk about, demo, and taste some delicious snacks to make healthy eating on the go a breeze! Each participant will leave with a belly full of goodies and a handout filled with recipes and health tips.

  • Some treats we’ll be sampling include:
    Divinely Decadent Chocolate Avocado Mousse
    Sour Cream and Onion Kale Chips
    Cacao-some Coconut Truffles
    Tahini Walnut Energy Bars

6:00-7:00pm—Nutritionist Designed and Approved Dinner

7:00-8:30pm—Sacred Healing Fire Ceremony

  • In this ceremony we’ll each write down one limiting belief or habit which we want to eliminate from our lives on a piece of paper.

  • One-by-one we’ll throw our paper onto the fire and light a small candle in a bowl to set free in the pool. Each candle signifies the birth of a new dream.

  • Beautiful music and dancing is a must!


  • A time to relax, unwind, share stories, sing songs, and play music! Guitars and instruments are welcome!!!

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Sunday: “New Beginnings” 

7:30-8:15am—Gentle Yoga and Stretching

  • This practice is designed to open our hearts to change and a new perspective on life. We’ll awaken our possibilities and become receptive to a new life, body, and practice.

8:30-9:15am—Nutritionist Designed and Approved Breakfast

9:45-10:45am—Fitness Workshop: Exercise Anywhere!

  • This workshop discusses the importance of exercise for physical, spiritual, and emotional health and wellness.

  • Includes a 30 minute, all-levels “At-Home-Workout” with no equipment required!

  • Each participant will get a handout with the workout directions

  • BONUS: Take-home with yoga poses to do at your desk to balance stress, energize your body, promote relaxation, or improve clarity and focus!

11:00-1:00pm—Nutrition Workshop: “Herbal Helpers”

  • The first half of this workshop will focus on specific herbal remedies that are useful for balancing stress, promoting relaxation, energizing the body, aiding digestion, and preventing gas/bloating.

  • The second half of this workshop will focus on using herbs and oils to create natural beauty care. Each participant will get samples and recipes!

  • BONUS: We’ll be handing out the goody bags in this workshop, so you don’t want to miss it!!

1:00-2:00pm—Nutritionist Designed and Approved Lunch

2:00-5:00pm—Free Time, Book a one-on-one consultation with Regan or Caitlin (additional charges apply) or Checkout

What’s Included:  

  • 3 Nights Accommodation ($400 value) 

  • All meals, snacks, tea, and coffee ($250 value)

  • 4 Specially Designed Yoga Classes ($75 value)

  • 3 Nutrition Workshops ($225 value)

  • 2 Lifestyle Workshops ($150 value)

  • 2 Guided Meditations and Lessons ($80 value)

  • 2 Fire Ceremonies and Sharing Circles ($60 value)

  • 1 Sweet Chocolate Making and Wine Party ($80 Value)

  • 1 Fierce Fitness Class ($40 Value)

  • 1 Beautiful Body Care Workshop ($80 value)

  • Recipe handouts, nutrition guidelines, meditation practices, and take home exercise and yoga guides ($60 value)

  • 1 Goodie Bag filled with healthy living essentials ($200 value)

  • 1 Sleep Right Kit with ear plugs, eye mask, and lavender scented sachet ($25 value)

  • Yoga Mats and Props ($20 value)

What’s Not Included  

  • Transportation to and from the retreat

  • Additional activities, services, or excursions.

  • Gratuities including tips at your discretion.

  • Any personal expenses including incidentals, alcohol not included in the workshop, extra food and snacks.

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