Next Program Date-Spring 2020

*Stay Tuned for dates!


Spring has arrived and with that comes a general feeling of wanting to shed the winter “blahs” and step into the world feeling refreshed and revitalized. The cold, dark winter months have a way of leaving us feeling heavy, sluggish, achy and in need of a reboot! Sound familiar?

That’s why I created a simple, easy to follow, spring cleanse. Perfect to coincide with the start of a new season! The program is entirely food based and comes with a full meal plan, grocery list, recipes that actually taste great and extra tid bits to get you back feeling awesome, vibrant and healthy! Come join me as we detoxify our body, purify the mind and nourish the soul. Find all the details below.

Renew. Refresh. Revitalize

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you genuinely feel crappy and wish to feel refreshed & good in your body once again?

  • Do you wish to and feel lighter & brighter instead of feeling heavy, dull & sluggish?

  • Are you often tired & in need of an energy boost?

  • Do you struggle with bloating, gas & digestive upset or constipation?

  • Do you experience joint &/or muscle pain, headaches or migraines?

  • Have you thought about doing a cleanse before but wasn’t sure which protocol to take?

This 2-week cleanse is about nourishing your body so that you can feel revitalized, recharged and ready to function optimally in your day-to-day lives!

From the air we breath to the foods we eat, even metabolic waste created by the body- we are exposed to hundreds of toxins. Even though detoxification happens within our body each & every day, our detox organs can get overburdened. This of course can lead to a myriad of health issues.

Benefits of a Detox:

When done correctly a detox can make a major difference in your health, energy levels and overall sense of wellbeing. When you choose a program that is thorough, nurturing and suits your lifestyle the benefits can be significant.

  • Improves your body’s overall detoxification systems (kind of like doing an oil change on your car!)

  • Restores a sense of vibrancy & health to both body & mind

  • Increases energy levels & decreases fatigue

  • Improves physical performance

  • Decreases allergic responses & sensitivities

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Helps to regulate digestive system & bowel movements

  • Decreases gas & bloating

  • Helps to decrease acne, rashes & improve skin tone

  • Helps to regulate appetite and cravings

By assisting your body in the removal of stored toxins, your body can more easily..

Heal and Thrive!

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Why this Program?

There is a plethora of cleansing and detox programs out there and it is confusing & often overwhelming trying to figure out which one would be best! Often we conjure up images of taking bottles of pills everyday, extreme fasting or drinking weird concoctions that taste like mud! I wanted to create a program that was simple, realistic and nourishing. After many hours of research and testing I think you’ll appreciate what the 2-week Renew & Revitalize will offer:

  • Delicious nourishing recipes (yes you can eat!!!)

  • Based on unprocessed, nutrient-rich, whole foods you can find at the grocery store!

  • Emphasis on nutrient-rich, plant-based soups, smoothies & salads

  • Well-organized, step-by-step & easy to follow program

  • Realistic and flexible

  • Gentle & nurturing to the body

  • Tons of tips, guidelines & information to help you succeed!

  • Budget Friendly

  • Private online community to share your experiences

  • The support & motivation from yours truly, so you never have to feel lost, alone or confused!

What your Program Includes:

Detox 101- Everything you Need to Know

Prep Guide including:

  • Program Guidelines

  • What to Expect & How to Prepare

  • Safety Tips & Contraindications

  • Recommended Lifestyle tips to help support your Cleanse

  • Recommended Supplements to help support your Cleanse

  • FAQ's

Detox Manual including:

  • Pre-Cleanse Guidelines

  • 2 Week Detox Guidelines: Meal Plan, Grocery Shopping List, Recipes

  • Alternative Recipe Options & Snacks

  • Post-Cleanse Guidelines

Unlimited Email Support & Private Facebook Group to connect with others!

“Renew & Revitalize” Summary:

A whole lot of plant-based goodness!! Foods consumed during these 2 weeks are packed full of antioxidants, fiber and water and provide all the essential nutrients & vitamins to help support the body’s detoxification processes.

The cleanse program consists mainly of delicious smoothies, soups and salads. Why? When we are cleansing, we are trying to reduce the digestive load on our system and eliminate common irritants and allergens. We do this by increasing our fresh vegetable and fruit intake. By using salads, smoothies and soups, we are able to flood our bodies with macro and micro nutrients in a simple and easy way for our bodies to digest. This, in turn, liberates our digestive energy and allows our body to use the excess energy to cleanse and revitalize the body. Replacing a diet that was full of processed foods and refined carbohydrates with plant-based nutrition is like sending our cells on the nutrient express train! Snacks and alternative recipes are provided for those needing extra energy or more variety. I have gone to great lengths picking out recipes that are not only cleansing and nutritious but actually satiating and yummy!

A Day in the Life - Sample Meal Plan:

  • Upon Waking: Cleansing Detox Tonic

  • Breakfast: Green Chocolate Mint Smoothie

  • Lunch: Reegs Rad Salad

  • Afternoon: Herbal Tea

  • Dinner: Lentil & Kale Soup


Feel Light, Bright, and Alive!

Cost: $75 (gst incl.)

Next Program Date: Spring 2020

How to Sign Up

Please email me at: regan@pacificsoullifestyle.com with your:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • Brief explanation of why you want to take the detox

Who Can Join?

Anyone can participate in the challenge no matter where in the world you live! All materials and correspondence are done via email with PDF documents you can download!