Dance - Connect - Laugh - Stretch - Nourish

A beautiful morning for women to give back to themselves. Why is it so much easier to put everyone else's needs before our own? To love others more than we love ourselves? Well because we care, we're compassionate... yet we've disregarded our own self worth. Let me tell you, we are all worthy and deserving of love. And that worthiness and love comes from deep within ourselves. It's not an outside job. We don't need someone else or some thing to validate our worth. It's a choice we get to make from our own hearts. Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself!

My vision for this mini-retreat is to offer women an opportunity to take some time out of their busy lives to relax, celebrate and cultivate a sense of peace, happiness and joy. Indulge in some of life's great pleasures. Uplift your soul through dance and connection with other beautiful women. Nurture your body with yoga and healthy treats and calm the mind through guided meditation. Leave the chaos and stress at the door and melt into a few hours of delicious, joyful, self-pampering bliss!

Pictures from Sweet Embrace February 2018

Pictures from Sweet Embrace February 2018


Love Starts from within. Treat Yourself

Gold Triangle (4).png


Date: February 10th, 2019
Soundhouse Studios 33 W 8th Ave. Vancouver


Welcome Circle- 9:30am-10:00am
Join hearts! Meet all the beautiful women taking part in the mini retreat!

Golden Heart Meditation- 10:00am-10:20am
Unwind your mind and nurture your soul with a relaxing guided meditation. Connect to your heart & cultivate a deep sense of worthiness & appreciation for the amazing person you are!

Stretch, Flow Yoga- 10:20am-11:00am
Embrace, love & celebrate your body! A series of delicious stretches and yoga poses perfect to release stress and remove tension from your body. (suitable for all levels)

Dance & Soar 11:00am-11:45am
Unleash your inner diva with special guest Johanna Ward, Professional Dance Instructor. Let go of any expectations, any self judgment and just flow! Escape into some great music, express yourself freely and let your natural rhythm unfold! (suitable for all levels).

Sweets & Treats- 12:00pm-12:45pm
Savour and sample some of my favourite, decadent treats, and darling you wouldn’t even know they’re healthy! In this workshop you’ll learn how to make three of my fabulous chocolate recipes. Simple, easy and perfect to re-create at home! Yum!!

We'll end the morning nibbling on our goodies and making new friends, our hearts filled with love and happiness. Life is sweet!