New Years Resolutions and Goals



I think its important to grow, evolve, challenge ourselves, dream big and pursue goals that help bring us closer to our truth and happiness. But I also understand all to well the pressure to be perfect, to do more, be more...and the accompanying feeling of failure, not measuring up and not being good enough.

So as we step into this New Year, I want to offer you some different thoughts and perspective on resolutions, and goal setting. Have a scroll through the list below and see if any of them resonate with you.

No matter how big, small or non-existent your goals may be, what matters most is making choices that are in true, honest alignment with your heart and soul......Not what you think society or others expect of you.

Here are some different perspectives and ideas to consider

Reflect Back: Every New Years, I always spend time journalling and reflecting back on the previous year.

  • What were the high and lows?

  • What worked well? What didn't work?

  • What lessons or insights can you take away?

  • What can you be grateful for? Starting the year with a grateful heart helps you focus on the positive and crowds out feelings of negativity, lack, failure and despair.

This year, instead of trying to "do more", why not do less? Take the pressure off!

  • What can you say no to?

  • What can you get rid of?

  • What's no longer serving you?

  • What can you clear off your schedule? And where can you carve in more "free time" or "down time"

Pick one word, mantra or intention to focus on for the year. Let this help steer the direction of your choices, and be like your "anchor" or "guidepost". Some ideas:

  • "less is more"

  • "goodbye fear, hello confidence"

  • "just breathe"

  • "I am enough"

  • "progress not perfection"

  • "trust that everything's going to be okay"

  • "integrity"

  • "explore"


Start Small. Focus on one month at a time versus looking at the whole year. Life is often busy and demanding. For many of us, we've set so many goals that we either give up after a few months or we forget what they even were in the first place!

  • Pick one goal to focus on for the entire month of January. Then move to your next goal in February or keeping working on the same goal until you've accomplished it. Each month could have a theme. For example-

    • "Plant-based January"- make it a goal to eat more plant-based meals and recipes this month.

    • "Get outside-February"- focus on getting outside everyday and exploring new neighbourhoods, parks and outdoor activities.

    • "Move-it in March"- explore new ways of moving your body, try new online fitness class, choose activities that feel good!.........etc.

    • "Give Back April" - look for ways big or small to give back to your community and make a difference in other people's lives

Focus on how you want to FEEL versus adding more to your "to do" list.

  • Do you want to feel more Happy, Courageous? Confident? Calm?

  • Then start with one action step you can take this month to help you embody that.

  • As you're faced with choices and decision throughout the year you can ask yourself...."what will bring me closer to or further away from this feeling?

Get creative and do up a vision board!

  • Place your dreams, goals and aspirations on a cork board or bulletin board using pictures, words, cutouts from magazines etc.

  • Instead of having your goals hidden in a journal, bring them to life with a visual display that will keep them front of mind all year long.

  • Meditate on your vision board every morning as a way to help actualize your dreams!

Ditch the societal/media pressure to lose weight and go on a diet. There is nothing wrong with wanting to eat healthy or shed a few pounds. The problem is that society and media influence the way we view our bodies. We are bombarded with images of what a "fit, healthy, beautiful" body should look like, and if we don't fit that mould, we feel inferior, insecure, and that we must do something to change our bodies. Just because someone looks "thin and toned" doesn't mean they are necessarily healthy and fit. And just because someone is in a larger body doesn't necessarily mean they are unfit or less healthy.

  • Embrace your unique body. Beauty, health and fitness can come in all shapes and sizes.

  • Unless you have a medical condition where you must watch your weight, throw out your scale! Don't let the number on the scale predict your happiness or worthiness. You are beautiful and worthy regardless of what the scale says.

  • There is no perfect diet. I do not advocate for specific diets such as Paleo, Keto, Vegan, etc etc. Each person has a unique body with different biological and physiological needs, along with different life circumstances, stressors, and so on. Listen to your body. Eat the foods and quantities that help you feel energized, alive, vibrant and happy.

Make this the year to focus on FUN!!!! As adults we will always have an endless demand of tasks and "to do" lists. So instead of adding more pressure to your plate just focus on having more fun!!!

  • what brings you joy?

  • what makes you laugh?

  • when do you feel most at ease?

  • what activities do you most enjoy?

  • Do more of those!!