Recommended Books to read this Fall



Fall is a great time to make yourself a cup of tea and snuggle up with a good book! Obviously everyone has their own taste and preferences but I thought I'd share a few of my personal favourites right now. So head over to your local library or bookstore or follow the links below to order your own copy.


If you enjoy reading "self-help" books:

"You are a Badass" by Jen Sincero
The perfect self-help book for someone who doesn't like self-help! Far from "touchy feely" this gal lays it all down in a refreshingly funny, sassy and motivating way! 

"Choose the Life You Want- the Mindful Way to Happiness"  by Tal Ben-Shahar
I love the short, bite-size chapters! Great little reminders to help you take responsibility of your choices, challenge your negative patterns and create a more fulfilled and happy life!

If you're looking for something light-hearted and funny:

"My Not so Perfect Life" by Sophie Kinsella -
This book is hilarious! One of those books where you're laughing out loud and your hubby thinks you're nuts! 

"Nantucket Sisters" by Nancy Thayer - 
I literally could not wait to crawl into bed an night and read this! All about friendships, drama and romance! The perfect escape at the end of a long day!

If you love surfing or love being on, by or in the water!

"Blue Mind" by Wallace J Nichols - 
Ever notice how good you feel when you spend time at the lake or hang out at the beach? This is a really cool book on the science behind water and how it can improve our health and wellbeing! 

"Barbarian Days" by William Finnegan -
A memoir filled with adventures, travel and tons of surfing!! It took me a little to get into...but if you love surfing, you'll thoroughly enjoy this book!

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