Sunscreen 101
Your Guide to Choosing the Best Sunscreen for You & the Planet!

As someone who loves the water, loves the sun and cares deeply about the environment, I wanted to make sure I was taking the best steps to not only protect the health of my skin, but also protect the health of the ocean and lakes I call home. Was I using ocean safe sunscreen? I had heard that certain chemicals in sunscreen where harmful to coral reefs...but I wanted to learn more. Below, I have summarized my research in hopes that I can educate you and offer tactical tips and tools for choosing the best sunscreen that will protect your skin and our marine ecosystems!

Now listen, I'm no expert in this which is why I've also included a bunch of resources and links that you can check out should you wish to dive deeper!

Harmful Affects of Sunscreen on Our Marine Life
What You Need to Know!


  • Most of the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean! Negative impacts on coral reef and marine bio-diversity could pose a huge threat on our own health!

  • Each year, approximately 14,000 tons of sunscreen is washed off of humans and polluting our oceans. 

  • Healthy coral reefs are one of the most valuable ecosystems on the Planet. Chemicals found in sunscreen and other personal health care products are posing a huge threat to the health of the coral reefs. Research is showing that one of the main causes of coral bleaching is sunscreen. 

  • The most lethal chemicals being oxybenzone and octinoxate, which are commonly found in most sunscreens! 

  • Oxybenzone and other chemicals found in sunscreen are is toxic to a wide variety of marine life including:

    • Coral: Accumulates in tissues. Can cause bleaching, damage DNA, deform young, and even result in death.

    • Green Algae: Can negatively affect growth and photosynthesis.

    • Mussels: Can produce defects in young.

    • Sea Urchins: Can damage immune and reproductive systems, and deform the young.

    • Fish: Can negatively impact fertility and reproduction, and cause female characteristics in male fish.

    • Dolphins: Can accumulate in tissue and be transferred to young.

  • Not only is sunscreen harmful to our oceans, these toxic chemicals are polluting our lakes & rivers and threatening those delicate ecosystems. 

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Choosing the Best Sunscreen


  • Educate yourself! To make it easier I've included a few infographics that summarize some key action steps. Save these images on your phone so you can refer to them quickly when you're at the store!

    • The image above shows things to avoid when selecting a body and ocean safe sunscreen!

    • The image below gives you a list of things to look for and choose!

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Go Beyond Sunscreen!

Next up, I've listed other non-sunscreen ways you can offer your body protection from the sun! (See Image Below). 

But let's also look at the bigger picture. Here is some advice from my dear friend, Elaine Leung., PhD. She is Marine Biologist & Founder of Sea Smart School - a program that educates youth on the importance of marine life and ocean protection!

"We can't just stop at using reef safe sunscreen and think we're protecting our reefs. Anything we put on our skin, from makeup to bug repellent to shampoo, etc can harm our oceans and reefs. So best to shower thoroughly before you go in the water and cover yourself up as much as possible to minimize need for sunscreen. Because even "reef friendly" sunscreens can impact marine ecosystems, especially in areas where there are lots of people in the water!"

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