Your guide to reducing your plastic waste this month and all summer long!


This month is Plastic Free July! A global movement to help reduce plastic waste and share new more innovative and sustainable solutions! While I'm no expert in this field nor do I live a "perfect" plastic free lifestyle...I do have some great tips and ideas!

Check out the list and see which ones you could apply to your own life!

Camping, Picnics and BBQ's

  • Ditch the single use plastic cutlery, plates & cups and switch to reusables! 

    • create a "camp kit" that includes reusable dishes, cups, cutlery, a small portable/collapsable sink and biodegradable soap. You'll cut down on a ton of waste and you'll never worry about forgetting anything because it's all in your kit! Places like MEC, Atmosphere and Canadian Tire will have lots of camp kitchen options!

    • For picnics or summer gatherings ask family/friends to bring their own. Yes it might feel awkward at first, but I bet you most people won't mind! Or for small groups you can offer to supply the reusable dish ware yourself. Yes, it means coming home with some dirty dishes and loading the dishwasher, but I would way rather do that than see a few huge bags of garbage accumulate just from one little picnic! Makes me cringe just thinking about it!

    • Styrofoam is the worst!! Please do not use under any circumstances. 

    • Don't forget your reusable mug or cup! From coffee/tea mugs to small or large drink containers, even wine glasses...there are so many stylish options to choose from!

  • Plastic Zip lock bags are very convenient some times. I totally understand. BUT, you can use reusable silicone zip lock bags instead!! I like the Stasher Bags available at MEC and other places. 

  • Pack it in pack it out! Don't leave waste behind. By using reusable items you'll have less waste to begin with. Dispose of garbage properly and recycle as much as possible. Even if that means bringing it home! If the campsites or parks don't have recycle bins or have minimal recycling options....bring it home! 


On the Go

  • Buy or make reusable cloth face masks! I think these are sticking around for the foreseeable future, so might as well make them a fashion accessory!

  • Use reusable bags where/when possible. Due to COVID19 rules may be different across provinces, cities and stores- but when they deem safe to do so in your area use your cloth reusable bags and wash them! 

    • I also like using cotton or mesh bags for produce & bulk items. Check out these ones from LEAFICO.

  • Try to buy food that isn't in plastic packing. Put produce in paper bags (like the ones for mushrooms) or use your own mesh produce bags if allowed. 

  • Use metal straws vs plastic straws. These are great at restaurants and for things like "To Go" smoothies and cold drinks! Throw a few in your bag/purse so they're always at hand! Don't forget your own mug too!

  • Always carry a bamboo or reusable "Spork"- spoon on one end, fork on the other!

  • If you're out hiking or exploring and need to bring snacks, why not make your own homemade granola bars and trail mix. Pack it up in reusable containers and avoid all the individual wrappers that just get tossed!

  • Support restaurants that are doing their part to minimize plastic waste and offer compostable "take out" containers.


At Home

  • Use beeswax wraps or silicon lids instead of plastic wrap. Check out BEE Kind or OK Reusables.

  • Use a shampoo BAR instead of shampoo from a bottle - available at LUSH Cosmetics. Or buy your Shampoo/conditioner in large bulk containers. 

  • Swap out plastic bottle body washes for a handcrafted bar of soap.

  • Swap out your plastic toothbrush for a bamboo toothbrush. Check out LEAFICO.

  • Skip the chemical cleaners & plastic packaging & use baking soda or vinegar.

  • Instead of disposable makeup pads which come in plastic packaging as well, try reusable ones instead! Try Ava's Apple Tree or here in Vancouver The Soap Dispensary

These are just SOME suggestions to get you started. I'm not saying that you need to cut out plastic entirely....this would be extremely challenging! But more so...looking at the areas in your life where you feel you have the most SINGLE use plastic waste...and start to adapt new, more sustainable choices!