34 Tips for a Less Wasteful and More Sustainable Christmas

I love Christmas. I love the lights, the decorations, the family traditions and all the magic it brings. But as we prepare for the holiday season I think it's important for each of us to really look at our choices and actions and how devastating their impacts can be on the planet.

Zero Waste Canada estimates that EACH Canadian tosses about 110lbs of garbage over the holidays. It's not just wrapping paper & shopping bags but bows, ribbons, decorations, lights, Christmas cards, food waste and more. We are all well aware our planet is in a climate crisis, so lets each do our part this Christmas to reduce our waste & make more sustainable choices. 'Tis the season of lets also give back to our planet.

Here's a list of simple & easy tips & tricks to implement at home, at your office and share with family & friends. Even just choosing ONE is a great starts. And good won't be sacrificing any holiday cheer!

Wrapping & Decorations

  • Use Reusable Gift Wrap- Such as scarves & fabrics, drawstring bags or decorative boxes & tins you can use over and over again.

  • Choose Wrapping paper that you can actually Recycle such as brown or white parcel paper. Many holiday wrapping paper contains plastic & glitter & can't be recycled. Newspaper, maps, & old sheet music can also look awesome!

  • Use pine cones, spruce twigs, & kitchen twine instead of plastic ribbons & bows.

  • Get crafty! Make your own Decorations using Christmas Tree cutoffs, pine cones, dried fruit peels, branches, etc.

  • Choose your artificial decorations with the intention of using them for years and years and years….or Buy second hand decorations instead of new!

  • Use LED Lights & contact your local municipality to properly recycle old lights.

  • ** Check out this website for some more great wrapping ideas!

Christmas Trees

  • Buy a potted Tree that can be planted afterwards! How fun is that!

  • If you're getting a real tree, buy from local, organic tree farms if possible.

  • If you're wanting an artificial tree- try purchasing second hand. You'll find lots on online market places in your area.

  • If you already have an artificial tree- use it as long as possible! (It takes 20 years for a fake tree to be "greener" than a real one!)

  • Contact your municipality about proper recycling or composting programs.



  • Ditch tinfoil and plastic where possible. Opt for parchment paper, choose reusable beeswax or silicon food wraps for covering leftovers.

  • Avoid disposables-plates, cutlery, cups. Think of how much plastic waste this would save. If you MUST, choose paper plates and 100% DO NOT use styrofoam. Another option if you don’t have enough reusable items, suggest guests bring their own! Many events I've been to in Vancouver encourage people to bring their own cups- and it's no biggie to throw one in your bag!

  • Compost food scraps!

  • When possible, buy in-season, local veggies & other food items. Offer more plant based meals & choose local, ethically raised poultry & meats.

  • When you're food shopping, try and choose things that are light on packaging, or buy loose items.

  • If you have too many leftovers, see what you can freeze. Or why not donate some to an elderly neighbour, local food bank or soup kitchen?

  • Turn down the heat before people arrive. You’ll save energy and your guests’ extra body heat will warm up the room.



  • Homemade, home-baked or home-brewed gifts are super special. Things like jam, spices, cookies, granola, knit scarves, pillow covers, etc. are awesome!

  • Opt for "Experiences" vs items. Some ideas: concert tickets, theatre or comedy shows, wine or brewery tours, cooking classes, dance or art classes, mini golf, kids play centres, etc.

  • Vouchers or Gift Certificates. Some Ideas: Air BnB, Ski-lift tickets,Yoga classes, Music Lessons, massage & spa treatments, Virtual Gym Memberships or Personal Training, movie night and of course gift cards to their favourite stores so they can get items they’ll actually use.

  • Why not purchase second hand? From clothing to books to sporting goods & toys- you can find so much stuff that looks virtually brand new!

  • Charitable donations- Choose something you know is close to the recipients heart.

  • Plants! Potted plants & herbs make for wonderful Christmas gifts!

  • Support local stores & artisans vs buying from large chain corporations.

  • Buy goods & services from eco conscious businesses such as Patagonia.

  • Look for items that aren’t in packaging (ie. handcrafted soap) or that come in glass jars or cardboard vs plastic.

  • Buy your loved ones gifts that encourage them to live more eco friendly such as: beeswax wraps, reusable coffee mug, water bottle, metal straws, produce or bulk bags, reusable snack/sandwich bags, bamboo toothbrush kit, and reusuable makeup pads (I got these last year for Christmas and LOVE them).

  • Avoid “gag” gifts- most of which just get tossed.


  • Buy second-hand Christmas Party outfits & clothes!

  • When Shopping, don't forget your reusable bags!

  • Cards- send eCards is choose cards that can be recycled.

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